Our second annual Maths week took place last week, and the
academy felt as though it had been transformed into a giant code breaking
machine as students tried to work out which teacher had been replaced by an
alien. Surveys took place around the academy, Cucina became an area of
numerical delights, while the song of the week - “How Deep is Your Maths” -
became an overnight sensation.

Option forms need to be returned on or before 24 February
and, while there is no first come, first served rule for these - we would like
students to take time over the half-term break choosing the right courses - returning
the form after the deadline could hinder students’ chances of getting the
courses they prefer.
The ROAR project I have mentioned previously is now well
underway with students speaking by Skype to representatives of the school in
India their business ideas will support, while Year 11 Historians went to see
the play “Doctors” – a light hearted play about people and events in the
history of medicine and health. This was accompanied by exam workshop sessions
focusing on GCSE History.
There’s lots still to happen before the break and I look
forward to updating you in the blog at the end of the week.