Friday, 19 June 2015

Spreading success

This week students from Year 10 took part in a 'STEM' (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) event instigated by Lord Professor Robert Winston, hosted by the Watford Grammar School for Boys. Professor Winston is Professor of Science and Society at Imperial College London. Our students were selected to join the 'Contagion' workshop where they learnt how maths can be used to help calculate how quickly diseases are spread and how many factors need to be taken into account when trying to keep the spread of it to an absolute minimum. This was especially relevant in view of the latest Ebola epidemic, and brought to life this important application of Science and Maths in our world.

House Events this week included Year 7 and 8 Dodgeball and Rounders, where Edison took the honours. Over 100 students were involved. It is great to see such high levels of participation. Year 9 and 10 have their opportunity on 1st July, when I am sure Marconi, Whittle and Babbage will be keen to change the result!


Students will shortly be bringing home letters regarding Sports Day on 20th July, where we ask as many students as possible to make their way to Woodside Stadium, Garston. Parents are most welcome, and I hope to see many of you there, or at 'Grease' the week before.