Friday, 1 May 2015


Examination preparation is dominating the academy at the moment. The outcomes of the art examination below look extremely impressive, and show the hard work of the students throughout their courses is really paying off.


Assemblies over the last couple of weeks have focused on the diverse world around us. Last week students heard about the experience one colleague had working with young people on a trekking and building project in Madagascar. This week the focus was on Diversity in our community. We celebrate this every day, and a sequence of PSHE lessons will follow this to highlight the strength of difference and importance of tolerance in our motto of Proud to Belong.

Part of being Proud to Belong is ensuring all members of the community are involved in school life. You will have read last week about Show My Homework, which has already had really positive feedback from students, staff and parents. This week I am pleased to highlight our developments with SIMS Learning Gateway, which enable parents to securely log in to our data management system to read reports and 'real time' information on their children. If you need any assistance with this, have any questions, or have not yet signed up for access through this portal, please contact the SLG Administrator on 0208 950 9502, or via email on

I look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Tuesday, and hope you enjoy the long weekend.