back to a new school year following what I hope was an enjoyable summer for

the school gates, I would like to congratulate Hannah Wales for playing the
lead in the Youth Musical Theatre’s production of Fame in the Rudolf Steiner
Theatre in London, and Rebecca Russell on the opening of an exhibition as a
young curator at Watford Museum. It is always very pleasing to hear of the
successes achieved by members of the academy as they pursue their interests and
Over 200 new
Year 7 students have settled in well to their first week at the academy, and I
am pleased to say that the new break time arrangements are working well to
enable the largest number of students we have ever had to eat and relax during
their non-lesson time.
up this month:
September: Open Evening from 5.30pm to 9.00pm
September: UCAS evening for parents of Year 12 and 13 students from 6.30pm to
September: 1-9 Information Evening from 6.00pm – 7.00pm: another chance for all
parents of students in Years 7 to 11 to learn about the new GCSE 1-9 grading
system, which replaces the A*-G grades.
September: Year 7 and new starter Form Tutor Evening from 3.30pm to 5.30pm.
during school time, Modern Foreign Languages week runs from 26 September to 30
September, so expect to hear all about different languages and cultures from
your children at the end of the month.
promises to be a busy term, and I look forward to bringing you the highlights
as the weeks progress.