The main examination season is upon us once again, and Year 11, 12
and 13 students are working hard in their final preparations for the papers
they have been getting ready for for so long. I wish them all the best of luck.

The race for Head Boy and Head Girl is under way, with 8 students undertaking
the gruelling selection process which includes application, a vote by fellow
Sixth Formers, an interview with me and Miss Campbell, hustings to the whole
academy and a vote by all students and staff. Results will be announced after

You may remember previous references to
the ROAR project, in which two groups of year 8 students created
and ran their own social enterprise to raise money for students in India. On
the evening of Friday 20 May, Mr David and Miss Sahota took them to an event in
Mayfair where they had to present their business idea in front of a panel of
corporate judges, entrepreneurs and students from other schools. Our students did
incredibly well and came 3rd overall – a huge achievement as they
were the youngest contestants there. They were commended on their presentation
and business skills
Whittle's half-term to raise money for our chosen charity, DRUM,
is nearly at an end and they are determined to finish on a high. To finish off
a very busy half-term of charitable activities, we have seen ice-cream sales at
break and lunch, a movie night and a FIFA evening. The uptake has been
strong and the pot of money for DRUM is getting bigger all the time. Well done
to everyone involved.
Coming up next term are some dates to put in your diary, including
Summer on the Quad at 7.00pm on 12th July and Sports Day, which takes place at
Woodside stadium all day on 18 July.