Year 7 Art work has taken pride of place at the front of the academy
over the last few weeks. Inspired by the work of artist Wayne Thiebaud,
students have created 3D cake models, some of which have been displayed in the
gallery at the academy reception. Students have demonstrated very high
expectations of themselves, and we have been in awe as we have seen cake after
cake carried through the marketplace in the mornings.
Their originality and imagination has been a joy to see so, I thought
I would share a snapshot of them on display today.
An excellent time was had by all, with a focus given to examination skills
at A Level and the opportunity to consider what to study at university.
Thank you to Year 10 parents for their attendance at Parents Evening
this week. It was a very positive evening and we appreciate your support
as always.
Our annual House Language, Literature and Culture evening takes place on
23rd March at 7pm. Do make a note in your diaries to come along to see the new
format; students and staff have been working tirelessly to make it an evening
to remember. We will send a text out to let you know when tickets are available
on ParentPay.