Last Tuesday, a group of gifted and talented students spent
the day in Oxford, visiting the university and gaining an insight into what
life as a student there entails. They returned inspired and ready to work for
that goal.
On a similar theme, Year 12 had a talk from Access
Aspirations – a partner organisation to the Meller Educational Trust – about
the exclusive work experience placements available to students at this school. Only
a select few schools have access to work experience with employers such as
Marie Curie Cancer Care, Great Ormand Street Hospital, The Royal Opera House
and the head office of Sky Television, and our link with Access Aspirations
means that we are among them. These sorts of experiences are more usually
associated with post university internships and, unsurprisingly, feedback from students and employers is always
highly positive.
For Year 8 students, the moment is fast approaching when
they need to make some significant decisions about the future, and Wednesday 3
February sees the Options Information Evening. This essential event begins at
6.00pm and provides key information about the subjects available from Year 9
onwards. Parents and students are strongly encouraged to come along to meet
with teachers and subject leaders, as well as to listen to a guidance talk from
Ms Mulcahy: Assistant Principal for Achievement and Progress.
Finally for this blog post, a reminder that the annual House
Drama competition this year takes place at 7.00pm on Thursday 11 February. As
always, the plays are directed and performed by students and, this year for the
first time, have also been written by students. I can’t wait. Tickets will be
available by parent pay, and a text will go out as soon as they are released.